DID YOU KNOW? There are more than 500,000 children in North America suffering from Tick-borne diseases like Lyme, Babesia, Bartonella, and Relapsing Fever. Some medical professionals estimate the actual number is much higher. Chronic conditions and long-lasting symptoms can vary, often resulting in misdiagnosis and lack of treatment. These may include malaria-like high fevers, debilitating fatigue, severe joint and muscle pain, recurring headaches, loss of motor function, confusion, seizures, paralysis, organ failure, and cardiac issues. If left untreated … the infections can be fatal. During the COVID-19 pandemic these children are at even higher risk… For more information and prevention of Tick-borne infections in children… please visit lymedisease.org and globallymealliance.org.
MUSICIANS AND CHILDREN WITH LYME …In recent years, media attention has been mostly focused on “celebrities” who have contracted these infections… this famous “actor” has it… this “pop music icon” has it… now, this famous “songwriter” has it…Meanwhile, the many, many children who suffer in silence are … overlooked.
IT IS TIME FOR THAT TO CHANGE… Now there is a way for you to support these children and their families by enjoying the songs and music recordings on this site! Just give our “off the mainstream”, eclectic music a listen… then take a few minutes and visit these wonderful non-profit foundations.
LivLyme Foundation – livlymefoundation.org
LymeLight Foundation – lymelightfoundation.org
The Avril Lavigne Foundation – theavrillavignefoundation.org
Lyme Aid 4 Kids – lymediseaseassociation.org
Please help these Kids and Donate Directly to the Foundations listed above … THANK YOU!
AN OLD MAN’S DREAM… I was infected with Lyme Disease in the late 1960s. ( Blue Ridge Mountains – Virginia )Modern testing in 2019 was able to pinpoint the exact type and location this happened to me. By 1970 I was beginning to have many of the classic symptoms. Over the decades I have been fortunate to survive, and have a fulfilling career as a songwriter and recording artist, an investigative news journalist, and a newspaper publisher. In recent years I have continued working as a Lyme Patient Advocate and activist. Please visit us on Facebook at Musicians For Children With LYME or Michael Judson. Our music recordings are available on YouTube at Musicians 4 Children With Lyme and on SoundCloud at Michael Judson – Carr.
MUSICIANS, SONGWRITERS, and COMPOSERS – WILL YOU HELP US SUPPORT THESE KIDS? Please consider offering us the use of your music track, song recording, or music video on our website, Facebook page, and YouTube music channel. All donations go directly to the Foundations listed above… Thank You

Michael Judson – Carr Founder and Director Musicians For Children With LYME musicians4childrenwithlyme.com ENJOY THE MUSIC… HELP THE KIDS!