In October 2019, just a short 8 months ago, I was visiting my friends Grant and April Gislason in Victoria, BC Canada on Vancouver Island. It had been many years since we had been able to all get together with long time mutual friends from our days making music, playing in rock bands, and recording songs. Everyone there that night patiently listened to my tales of suffering the effects of Lyme infection over many years. I was able to tell them about my time working as a volunteer for The Lyme Center in Northern California, and as a volunteer Peer Mentor with Global Lyme Alliance. Like many in our country, they had not been aware of how serious and extensive the spread of Tick Borne infections had become over the last decade. When I shared the “official” statistics published by governments (including Canada), followed by the real numbers (that are based on credible scientific research) of chronically infected children, they were shocked and alarmed. That night, as we all enjoyed truly wonderful food, lots of singing and swapping stories, and having fun – I began to think about this project. Combining music with ” social messages ” is not new. All of us know this – folk music & civil rights, rock music & anti-war, and pop music, and the environment. I returned to Northern California and in the following weeks got to know MADELYME, her wonderful family, and her inspiring story of grit and determination. I resolved to do my best to create a website marrying great music with Lyme Awareness.
MUSICIANS FOR CHILDREN WITH LYME (Facebook) and is the result of those efforts. When you view the photos of the wonderful night we had…raise your glass! I toast two inspiring wonderful ladies here – VICTORIA and MADELYME!! )
Memories from a Facebook post – May 2020
I keep this on my “amateur” Facebook page – to always remind me of my “ROOTS” …
You will see my friend Grant on the left … he found me playing blues harp in the parking garage stairwell at the old Victoria City Hall in BC, Canada. (Natural “reverb” was good for practicing) and he became my wonderful friend at Victoria High – Class of 1969.
Later, we got to be in FRENDLYN PAGE together… he turned me on to so much wonderful music !
At recording sessions for CALIFORNIA BOY (1979 – Rockland Records) I never thought introducing him to April Gislason would be the start of my two wonderful friends getting together, making an exceptional family, and ALL THAT GREAT MUSIC these many years!
Gary Van Buskirk to the right… you always “rallied” me, inspired me, to get beyond the mundane… even when I was “down” ….remember when I got to help you with John Sebastian, The Wailers, John Fahey, and the Mombasa Black Chorus ? It was so rewarding for me, working and helping you!
Mike Martay …We have been friends for so long, you have always encouraged me… even when I had my funky, wildly painted, POPCORN STANDS on Victoria, BC’s waterfront in the late 70s’… WOW… was that fun!
Mr. Niels Peterson – most people don’t know we worked together on my first album (with Al Harris) and have never gotten to know your excellent work, and your fine musicianship! Like it always is , in the music “BIZ”, it is now the best “obscure” album on collectors websites – I saw $87 to get a “rare” copy the other day!
Behind the camera… April Gislason (Fulladosa) the exceptional American/Canadian singer, vocal coach, teacher & friend. You can view her music videos on my website, and also the recordings from THE LOVERS AT MAMA’S CAFE album that I forced on them all that night! MUSIC HISTORY – Victoria Style! In this time of quarantines, separation, travail and determination, and renewed friendships – thank you all for reading an old man’s reflections.
Michael Judson on Fb, Musicians For Children with LYME on Fb, on the internet.
Grant, Michael, Gary, Michael M., Niels Lots of singing and laughing & piano Michael and Gary April the Chef being toasted… APRIL IS A FEATURED ARTIST on our VIDEO jukebox ! Michael still dreamin’ of being in the recording studio…DREAM ON!